Fitness isn’t like a desktop. There aren’t shortcuts.

of-course-it-is-hardEveryday when I get to work, I open up my MSN homepage to check our company e-mail and I always glance through the popular topics that they have.  Something about video of fireworks in backwards time, asking a Tiger to get off your furniture (no really, here is the link), and then a link for 14 Shape-Up Shortcuts.

You know what?  I get it.  People don’t want to work towards their goals.  They become unmotivated, tired, busy, lazy, etc.  But, let’s just be flat out honest – they don’t make their health a priority.  If there is anything in life that should be a #1 priority, it should be your health; because, guess what?  There are no “do-overs” with your body.  You abuse it and you don’t get that time back.  BUT, it isn’t too late.  It is never too late to start making healthy choices, but I’m here to break your heart…you didn’t get there overnight, so you aren’t going to get that beach body overnight.  I’m gonna pause here for the shock and awe to set in.

Yes, it is brutally honest.  But, it is just that – Honest.  There are no shortcuts.  Your body isn’t like the desktop on your computer, there are no shortcuts.  Period.  If you want to be healthy, it is something you have to work with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  You have to make conscious effort to eat right, exercise, and put down the third doughnut.  Your body is a accumulation of everything you’ve ever ate, and it is going to take time for that to change.

I understand that these headlines (because it is plural, it is everywhere – magazines, radio commercials, TV commercials, internet) are more to drag people in, and a lot of these articles actually have good stuff – but, your whole lifestyle has to change.  There aren’t shortcuts.  You can’t just swear off McDonald’s french fries and expect that to be the shortcut to becoming skinny.  You have to change everything about your life!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not perfect and I’ve still got a heck of a long way to go, but if it were easy then everyone would be healthy and fit.  You need to make the conscious decision to change your life.  There aren’t any shortcuts.

Now, quit reading my blog for a second, go take your dog for a walk, play catch with your kids, go running, do jumping jacks, run around your house, I don’t care!  Do something.  You deserve it.